How to monetize Facebook (2024)

So, what is all this buzz about Facebook monetization? You have seen content creators begging for followers and also begging you to like and engage with their content. Some even go the extra mile to buy followers, while others spend their earned money to run Facebook ads to create awareness about their page and get more followers and likes. 

Now, have you wondered why they do all this? Do you think there is something they are not telling you? Or do you feel you’re missing out on significant financial opportunities? 

I can assure you that you’re not alone, as many want to know what’s behind this massive craving for followership and how they, too, can cash out from Facebook. 

Yes, there are indeed tons of ways in which you can monetize your Facebook and turn it into a cash printing machine if you get the know-how.

This article explores all you need to know about Facebook monetization and some little exceptions you must know.

How to monetize your Facebook page

You can monetize your Facebook page in several ways, but first, you must have grown your page to a reasonable amount of followers and a good number of engagements. Below are the following ways you can monetize your page.

Facebook monetization policy and in-stream ads

Facebook pays creators who have met specific criteria on their Facebook page.

Here is how to know if you have met the Facebook requirements for monetization 

The first thing to do is to read the Facebook Creator Studio’s instructions on uploading content and monitor the success of your videos.

You should do this by going to the right-hand column on the Home Page and selecting “Monetization” from the list.

 Then, you go to the  ‘Overview’ part, which will let you know what monetization you approve. From there, you may check it out. Another thing you must note is that the eligible age for this is eighteen years old.

Check if your information is accurate before clicking “Set up Monetization.” You will receive a confirmation email. You should rest assured that the money might soon begin to come in.

However, that is only the first loop.

The next thing is what we call In-stream advertising from Facebook. This works like Google Adsense. This is where the main hassle and work is, and when you get this right, you will surely see money flowing into your account. However, meeting these requirements is only possible if you put in the effort. 

To be certified and be able to secure these ads before, during, and after your Facebook videos (for which you will be compensated and paid), you must have met the Facebook Partner Monetization Policies that were previously covered.

Next, you need to have five live videos that are each longer than 60 seconds. 

Additionally, you must have at least six hundred thousand minutes of views during the last sixty days. 

Then, if you’re monetizing live streams, sixty thousand of those minutes must come from live broadcasts. 

 Also, 3 of your at least 5 videos must come from live sessions

The last requirement is that you have at least 10,000 followers.

Influencer marketing 

One of the thriving businesses in the online space is influencer marketing. But first, you must seek a large follower base with real-time engagement.   This means the page must be alive and thriving. This is where your work as a creator comes in.

You must be able to continuously post exciting and valuable content to your page, depending on your chosen niche. There is also the place where your followers know you, like you, and trust you. When all these are in place, you’re set for monetization as a digital influencer. 

And so, as one with many followers, business owners will seek you to help them post their products or promote their brand on your page. This is where the money begins to come. Then, charge them at your rate.

Organic Traffic Generation

With massive online followers, you can drive enormous traffic to your website, blog, WhatsApp, or any other social media. This, like I said, already predicts how much you have invested on the page. That is how much valuable content you post and how many followers have come to like, know, and trust you.

With this in place and having built your site with relevant content,  you can drive traffic from your already established Facebook page to the site. All you need to do is write good content and add the link to your site.

This will boost the traffic to your site, which will be money as long as your site is monetizable.

 Affiliate marketing

As an affiliate marketer, owning a page becomes essential.

This will help to drive organic traffic to your product page. And like I said, by this time, you must have made them engage your post, and the know, like, and trust factor must have been in place, too.

When you recommend this product to your loyal followers, most have no choice but to buy it because it comes from you. 

How to Monetize a Facebook group

Like a Facebook page, one can monetize a group created by him or her in several ways.

Have you wondered why millions of groups and more are being created daily? Though not all are designed for monetization purposes, as an administrator of a Facebook group, there are different potential ways to monetize the group. 

But first, you must be able to grow the group to a reasonable number of members. Also, the group should be tailored to a specific niche or purpose.

Finally,  while it’s advisable to make the group public initially, with no restriction on who can post,  a time comes when you put a cap on posting, where you, as an admin, must approve every post before it’s displayed to all members. Though this rule is generic,  it’s just at your discretion as an admin to know whether you have enough people in the group before such action is taken. Also, as an admin, you have the exclusive right to flag any post or comment as unacceptable and delete them. 

Now, here are some of the ways you can monetize your group

Influencer marketing 

As a group admin or owner,  you will always be met by people who want to showcase their brands in your group. Or sell their product. They will then meet you privately to discuss their intent and terms with you. Having agreed,  they may go to post while you approve it. Now, if someone else, being a group member, wants to publish or sell a product in the group, you have the right not to approve the post.

Selling of products and services

As an admin, you have the exclusive and unhinged right to sell whatever you want on that group, provided it resonates with your group members.

Affiliate marketing

As stated above, the Facebook page also applies to Facebook groups. But the connection is less profound in comparison to that of a page.


If you are ready to put in the work and expertise, Facebook monetization is a big way to get money. Many page owners even go the length of running paid ads. Some also buy massive followers, which is not advisable for several reasons.

However, checking if your country is eligible for Facebook in-stream ads is noteworthy. This is because one might meet all the requirements, but it’s still dependent on whether your country is eligible for payment.