MFM Devotional 7 March 2024: Rewards Of Iniquity

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 7 March 2024 By Dr. D.K Olukoya: Rewards Of Iniquity

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Dr. D.K. Olukoya

TOPIC: Rewards Of Iniquity (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Devotional 7 March 2024)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 12, Joshua 13, Joshua 14, 1 Thessalonians 1, 1 Thessalonians 2

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Acts 1:15-20 (KJV)

15 And in those days Peter stood up amid the disciples, and said, (the number of names together was about a hundred and twenty)

16 Men and brethren, this scripture must have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, a guide to them that took Jesus.

17 For he was numbered with us and had obtained part of this ministry.

18 Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity, and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.

19 And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem, insomuch as that field is called in their proper tongue Aceldama, that is to say, the field of blood.

20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishopric let another take.

MEMORY VERSE: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” – 1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV)

Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death.

Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit.


MFM Devotional For Today 2023 MESSAGE:

Today, many people have wealth and riches but no peace. Some parade fabulous material possessions but lack good health and joy. Though men and women celebrate them and use them as points of contact for blessings, heaven is displeased with them and condemns them because their wealth, riches, and possessions are ill-gotten rewards of iniquity.

Kidnappers who flaunt the money made from ransoms, real killers who exhibit their blood money, producers of fake products, and all who make money illegitimately are all guilty of amassing the gains of iniquity. Beloved, God is interested in how you make your money. He is holy and righteous and demands that we are also. Our holy God will not accept the gains of iniquity, cash, or gifts made through sinful means from anyone.

Also Read: MFM Devotional 6 March 2024: The Sin-Remitting Blood Of Jesus

The reason is that money made from sin and iniquity will destroy the souls of those who made them. Our Fire Scripture revealed the unpleasant fate that befell Judas Iscariot. The Bible says he made money by betraying Jesus and leading those who arrested Him to identify Him. Judas was paid for his ungodly service. The Bible calls the money he made the reward of iniquity. Did Judas live to enjoy the reward of iniquity he got? No, he didn’t.

The excessive love of money was Judas’ undoing. He colluded with the enemy to arrest and crucify a sinless and guiltless man. He betrayed the trust his master reposed in him. What were the consequences he faced for receiving the reward of iniquity? First, he lost his peace of mind. He became troubled for conspiring against and being instrumental in the death of an innocent man, Jesus Christ. He suddenly realized the gravity of his misdeed. Second, Judas lost his joy and comradeship with the other disciples. He also lost his bishopric. He had failed His master and failed heaven. The shame, disappointment, and sorrow that became his lot led him to commit suicide. He did not live to enjoy the reward of iniquity. It became as bitter as gall to him.

Beloved, I advise you to beware of mammon and the reward of iniquity. Do not make money or amass wealth through sinful and ungodly means. The consequences are usually grave. You will end well, in Jesus’ Name.



  1. Father, I thank You for teaching me and giving me the power to make wealth in Your way, in the Name of Jesus.
  2. Father, help me be a faithful steward of the money and wealth You have given me in the Name of Jesus.
  3. O God, forgive me of any way I might have idolized money in my life, in the Name of Jesus.


  1. O God, arise and crush down the spirit and idol of mammon in my life, in the Name of Jesus.
  2. My family and I shall not serve mammon in the Name of Jesus.
  3. I connect my money and finances to the altar of the living God in the Name of Jesus.
  4. I access the treasures of darkness and riches in secret places, in the Name of Jesus.

MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

Ambydennis Notice Board: Until you are born again, God’s abiding presence will never be with you. It would be best if you were born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe that You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You, Lord, for keeping me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online, please send your testimonies and prayer request to [email protected], +234-1-8447340, +234-0-709821311