Rhapsody Of Realities 12 February 2024 By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (Christ Embassy): What’s Revealed In You?
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TOPIC: What’s Revealed In You? (Rhapsody of Realities 12 February 2024)
To whom God would make known the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; Christ in you is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
Rhapsody Of Realities For Today’s MESSAGE:
As a new creation in Christ, you only have one nature—the Christ-nature. Your recreated human spirit is made in the image and likeness of Christ. Therefore, in all you do, and at all times, live your Christ-nature.
When you talk, let Christ be heard. Let His love emit and effuse from your words and actions. Let His wisdom and righteousness overwhelm the hearts of your hearers as you speak only gracious and lifting words; let Him talk through you. Let Him see through your eyes. Let Him work with your hands.
Also Read: Open Heaven 12 February 2024 – When God Carries You
The real essence of Christianity is Christ in you, manifesting and expressing Himself in and through you. The Christian says, exudes, and demonstrates Christ’s life, nature, character, and righteousness.
For example, in times of provocations, when you’re offended, what’s revealed in you? You ought to let Christ be revealed in you. In appraising your spiritual growth, one of the things you check is how much your actions, attitude, and character express or depict the righteousness or character of Christ.
Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me and filling me with your love, righteousness, and, indeed, with yourself. I’m gentle, patient, peaceful, loving and kind. I always express your wisdom, grace, glory, beauty, and love. Christ is in me, and as He is, so am I in this world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Proverbs 25:28 GNB: If you cannot control your anger, you are as helpless as a city without walls, open to attack.
Galatians 3:27: For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
Ephesians 4:22-24: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the older man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Matthew 27:45-66 & Leviticus 1-3
Acts 17:10-21 & Psalm 14-16
Remember to share with all your friends and loved ones today. Thank you, and God bless you richly.
Rhapsody of Realities 2024 Devotional was written by Pastor Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (D.Sc., D.D.)—President of Loveworld Inc. aka Christ Embassy Int’l.