Kenneth Copeland Devotional 21 March 2024 – Are Angels Just for Kids?
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Topic: Are Angels Just for Kids?
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? – Hebrews 1:14
Most of us heard about our guardian angel when we were just children. And, in those days, it was a comforting thought. With monsters lurking behind the closet door and creepy things crawling beneath the bed, it was good to know someone was there to protect us when the light was out.
But, as the years passed, we outgrew our childhood fears. The imaginary creatures that had once seemed so natural disappeared from our minds—and sadly enough, for most of us, the angels did, too.
But angels are not just kid stuff. They’re potent spirits sent forth to minister for us who are heirs of salvation.
The word salvation in Hebrews 1:14 is from the Greek word soteria, meaning “deliverance, preservation…material, and temporal deliverance.” Just think about that! God has created vast numbers of gloriously powerful spiritual beings to protect us and deliver us from the evils of this world.
And remember, according to Psalm 103:20, the Word of God is what activates those angels. So when you’re in trouble, don’t cower and cry about how awful things are. Speak the Word! Give your angels something to respond to. Then, be patient and let them have time to work. They’ll get their job done.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 103:17-22
This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of Kenneth Copeland Ministries (www.KCM.org), which specializes in teaching biblical principles, such as prayer, healing, salvation, and other topics.